Healing School

What is Healing School?

The Healing Place, led by Jeanie and her team, is a transformative ministry located in Lagoa Santa.   It serves as a place where the sick and oppressed can come and receive hope and healing!  At The Healing Place,  the power of God's Word is not only taught but tangibly experienced as the sick are set free and restored to health.

What happens in a typical Healing School session?

Currently, we hold monthly modules with six hours of classroom experience with worship, prayer and laying on of hands for those who desire.  In addition, there is a weekly cell-group where an in-depth study ensued of the modules subjects.  During the cell-group there is opportunity for discussion and interaction, a time of prayer and intimacy with God  along with others who are seeking more of His Presence and renewed health.


  • “In the third class I was cured of multiple sclerosis and my health was transformed. I am no longer affected by this disease. I am completely free! I will do the exams for confirmation, but I have no doubt of my healing. The exams will only be to witness the miracle of God in my life.”

  • “Through the lessons of Christ the Healer, the Word of the Lord has been released upon us all. I took possession, believing that I would be healed of fear, insecurity, rejection, bitterness and resentment. Today I am free to the glory of God!” ANAC

  • “I had an accident and suffered a serious injury. During class, I exercised my faith along with the other students, and today I have experienced regeneration to the point of receiving the last medical diagnosis that said my recovery is complet! I no longer need medication or medical support.”

  • “I had a lump in my spine and was told I would need to have surgery. I began to declare healing and I was completely healed. The lump is gone, and I don’t need the surgery.”