About Dr. Jeanie Steadman
Jeanie Marie Steadman, a native of Shreveport, Louisiana, USA, lives in Lagoa Santa, in the state of Minas Gerais (greater metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte) in Brazil.
A 1982/83 graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, she also holds a Doctorate of Theology from the Transworld Accrediting Commission, Riverside, California in the United States of America, (http://www.transworldaccrediting.com) and is licensed and ordained through Word of Life Ministries under the covering of Pastor Sam M. Carr at Life United Church in Shreveport, LA.
In Brazil, she is ordained through Rhema Bible School Brazil under the leadership of Guto Emerson and Jan Wright (and her late husband, Bud Wright) who founded Rhema Brazil over 35 years ago.
In full-time ministry for more than 30 years, she has served and trained people in all areas of local church ministry. She was the director of Word of Life School of Ministry for seven years in Shreveport, LA, an extension of Life United Church in Shreveport.
As a great privilege, she received training in "Principles of Church Growth" in both South Korea and in the United States, under the leadership of a team of church-growth specialists, trained by Pastor David Yonggi Cho, Yoiddo Full-Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea. She has studied Hebrew and Middle Eastern culture and biblical archeology in Israel and Egypt under the tutelage of Christ for the Nations, Dallas, Texas, summer program.
For more than 20 years now, Jeanie has obeyed the Lord's calling to Brazil, being part of an outpouring of the Spirit whereby the “Word of Faith” is running swiftly across the nation without precedent. Her ministry, Ministério Voz de Cura, crosses denominational lines as she has worked with most all leading protestant, charismatic, and neo-Pentecostal denominations.
She hosts prayer and healing schools and is a professor at some of the leading seminaries in the nation, as well as holding conferences and seminars. Jeanie was the first female foreign minister to host a daily Christian broadcast in the city of Juiz de Fora in Minas Gerais, Brazil, where her programs focused exclusively on word of faith principles, revival and the glory of God. Her meetings are frequently accompanied by prophetic song and worship that creates a tangible presence of God, whereby many sick and oppressed are set free. Many Brazilians have commented that her ministry comes in “like a refreshing breeze” where the presence of God manifests in refreshing, healing and deliverance.
A primary focus of Ministerial Voz de Cura has been promoting healing schools in local churches which are accompanied by miraculous healings and deliverances. Another facet of focus in recent years has been Times of Refreshing for Pastors, where pastors from all denominations come together to receive encouragement from God’s presence.
Having spread the word of life across the nation for 20 years, God has now led her to establish a missions base in Lagoa Santa from which to minister healing to the public and equip the Body of Christ to carry His healing presence to the nation.
Since 1984, her mission’s travels have led her to more than 15 nations, including: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, Brazil, Philippines, South Korea, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Australia, Israel, Egypt, Tanzania and now Brazil, where she not only does personal missions work but has led and trained numerous teams in practical missions.
Ministry focus:
How to Flow with the Holy Spirit in Worship
Healing and prayer schools in churches and Bible Schools
Conferences for women
Holy Spirit Conferences
Add Times of Refreshing meetings for Pastors and leaders
Missions Conferences and missions promotion
Internship Program for missions training
Leadership Training
Christ the Healer (foundational healing truths in a customized format depending on the local and individual needs of the church)
Spiritual Roots of Disease (identifying and treating conditions of the soul/spirit that affect our physical health)
The Glorious Presence of God
Worship: Creating an Atmosphere where God Manifests
Transformation: “Lord, I Want to Change” (highlights the importance of biblical mind renewal which generates transformed lives)
Literary works:
Confessing the Healing Word (in English, Portuguese and Spanish). an in-depth study of God’s word for healing, including how to take the word as medicine and how to meditate; contains over 100 healing scriptures and confessions for daily use.
Cristo Aquele Que Cura (Christ the Healer in portuguese) healing basics for bible student use
Say No and say Go to Fear (in English and Portuguese). How to identify and resist the spirit of fear
Nothing is impossible for God – ( in English and Portuguese) an eleven day devotional guide
Testimonies of Healing, Special Edition (in English and Portuguese) a special edition of almost 200 healing testimonies of a class of students in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil that occurred as they heard the healing word; along with many common conditions healed, there were several notable miracles that occurred.
Current Projects
Practical Missions Teaching
We provide a distinctive and transformative Practical Missions Teaching experience. Our curriculum combines rigorous theological training with an atmosphere filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, where signs, wonders, and miracles abound. We firmly believe that regardless of your background, origin, or age, every intern who joins will be empowered by the Spirit to fulfill their calling. Get ready for an extraordinary journey of learning and impartation.
Healing School in Brazil
Healing School, led by Jeanie Steadman, is a transformative ministry located on our campus in Brazil. It serves as a beacon of hope and a sanctuary of divine healing. At Healing School, the power of God's Word is not only taught but tangibly experienced as the sick are set free and restored to health. Just as a skilled physician prescribes treatment, our trained Healing Technicians minister the Word of God to all who attend, believing wholeheartedly in the promise of abundant life.
Local Brazil Outreaches
Because of our dedicated partners, we are able to actively engage with the local community, meeting them where they are and demonstrating God's love in practical ways. From organizing events to providing essential resources, we strive to address both the physical and spiritual needs of those we serve. With fervent hearts, we boldly proclaim the Gospel, sharing the good news of salvation and inviting others to experience the transformative power of Christ. Join us as we make a difference, one life at a time, by shining the light of hope and love into the hearts of individuals and communities in need. Together, let's ignite a revival and bring lasting change through the power of the Gospel.